-5 ℃
-21 ℃
Maximum temperature
Minimum temperature
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The information, pictures, documents and publications on this website involve intellectual property rights and are owned by the copyright owner, without any authorization. The information, pictures, documents and publications on this website are only used for general information and personal or non-commercial purposes, and shall not be copied or published on any network computer, nor transmitted on any media. Without the permission of the copyright owner, no one shall use it without authorization (including but not limited to: copying, disseminating, displaying, mirroring, uploading and downloading in illegal ways). Otherwise, the copyright owner will investigate its legal liability according to law.
The copyright owner has the right to change the content of this website at any time without prior notice. The copyright owner does not assume any express or implied warranty or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and update of any materials and information displayed on this website.
All pictures (including but not limited to illustrations, perspective drawings, design drawings, etc.), models and text descriptions in this website are only for general reference and are not any promises or offers of the developer.
Developer statement
The information about its development projects on the website is subject to the final approval documents of the government. The relationship between the buyer and the seller of commercial housing shall be subject to the sales contract signed by the parties.
Neither the copyright owner nor the developer shall be liable for any loss caused by any person's trading on this website or relying on its contents.